Amanda Fisher
Amanda Fisher joined WAMMC in 2021 and has been on the Board since 2022, first as a Member at Large and currently Chair of the new Communications, Website & Social Media Committee.
She jumped right in as Collectibles for a Cause Co-Chair of the 2022 Farm to Table fundraiser and joined the Long Range Planning and Information Technology committees. Mansion In May in 2023 was her first Mansion experience and cannot wait to volunteer at many more to come! Amanda’s notable accomplishment so far is spearheading the year-long website refresh.
Amanda is committed to giving back to Morristown Medical Center after her premature daughter received extraordinary care in Sam's NICU during Covid. Amanda also volunteers with Project Sweet Peas where she provides care packages and support materials to NICU families as well as serves on the Sam's NICU Family Advisory Council.
Amanda is honored to have received WAMMC's 2022 Rookie of the Year volunteer award and is excited to contribute with passion alongside this group of amazing volunteers.